Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Proverbs 28:19 - Get your bread!

Soooo I was reading my word last night and as usual asking the Lord to reveal to me the things he wants me to garner from his word. Currently I'm in Ezekiel but this verse popped up. Ill give it you in two versions:

He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty.

Whoever works his land will have pleanty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits will have plenty of poverty.

I PREFER the ESV so I'll go with that :) but anyways BAM this verse hit me hard! Let's dissect it a little....

WHOEVER (me and you) works his land (works his talents, what he is tasked with, what he is given etc.) will have plenty of bread (success, money, something to show for your hard work etc., this is subjective)

So this verse is talking about me really working my land. Now obviously I'm no farmer so my land must be something else right. What is your land? Without getting too personal, my land is preparing for the next level in my life. (There are about 3-5 specific things within this preparation that I need to be doing) This is my current "job" from the Lord. I know it deserves almost all of my daily attention and most of my free time as well but I have been straight up neglecting it. THERE IS NO EXCUSE EITHER. I don't have a job right now.... so I have ample time for the more important work which is tending to my "land". By neglecting I'm talking about playing computer games, sleeping late, talking on the phone, thinking about other things etc... Stuff I know good and well will not help me accomplish my goal or tend to my land.  This is sad but I needed another wake up call. I needed to be reminded of what's at stake.

THE VERSE lays it out plain and simple.... If I take care of my "land", I will have lots of bread (success)
Do I not want the bread? HECK YES I WANT IT, In my case I know exactly what my bread will be!
So why wont I do what needs to be done? Fear, uncertainty, laziness etc. The same ole excuses I have given before. No these are no longer acceptable. I must do the work if I want my bread!!

What's the rest of the verse.... BUT he who follows WORTHLESS pursuits will have plenty of POVERTY.... so this is what I'm trading my bread for.... POVERTY or being without. I have to remember that this is the choice I make. There is no middle ground, when I follow worthless pursuits it will end in poverty. It is a very clear equation.

Very Sobering

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