Sunday, December 7, 2014

Nagasaki, Japan

So I'm on vacation, thus far it's not feeling like a vacation yet so I am REALLY, desperately trying to relax my mind....

Anyways, I am loving Japan. I am in Sasebo visiting and that is where the navy base is located which is nice because many people know a little bit of English here.
View of Sasebo from atop the mountain 

I have had some cool experiences but I am really loving to explore the areas around town.
My favorite locale so far was Nagasaki where we went to see the atom bomb museum,
A to scale replica of the actual bomb

The inside of the to scale replica of the bomb

These glasses really hit home for me. When you see an article that actually belonged to someone you feel the gravity of the death of these people. 

Extremely sad... :(

In these wooden steps from an elementary school you can see shrapnel and LARGE shattered glass fragments that were deeply embedded by the explosion. If there were any children outside they would have most certainly been struck by these items.

Flying Cranes of peace

Statue representing a mother holding her dead child, 70% of all victims were women, children and the elderly. 

The crater in which the bomb made, any humans nearby were immediately vaporized. 

All in all, it was great to learn about and of course very sad. This land is very beautiful.

ALL pictures on this post are mine.

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