Monday, March 24, 2014

Stop! Don't kill yourself! We are all here!

I had a friend who called me recently on the brink of suicide. I got her permission to tell use her story... She called me very late at night to tell me that this was it. This was going to be her last night on earth. I could hear the fear and the hopelessness in her voice. She said she didn't really want to do it, but she wanted to at the same time. My friend had endured abuse of every kind and she called me as a last resort, she didn't know where to turn. She said Meghan I don't know what to do, will you pray. So of course I did, right then and there and have continued to ever since. But today at church a verse really stood out to me:

New Living Translation
 But Paul shouted to him, "Stop! Don't kill yourself! We are all here!" Acts 16:28

The context of this verse is that Paul was beaten severely and jailed and when he started praising God an earthquake happened and caused a release of himself and all the other prisoners from the chains that were binding them. (All my spiritual folks will get the double meaning on that one! :) Yes Lord!) Suddenly all of the prisoners were free! Now most of these guys sans Paul and Silas were not innocent, they really committed crimes, but now they were free. (Isn't this the heart of Jesus at work?!)

 So the guy who was supposed to be watching the prisoners runs in and sees that they are all free. He believes now that he will be in DEEP trouble because all of these guys are loose. In his mind there is no hope. He is in the deeps of a situation that he won't be able to explain away, so he draws his sword to take his life. He was hopeless so he turned to suicide like so many of us do. Paul sees this and says "STOP! Don't kill yourself we are all here!"

Isn't this true for us all? See, the jailer couldn't see the men, all he saw was the chains... The empty chains equaled death for him. AND YOU CAN'T SEE YOUR ENTIRE FUTURE!! Sometimes we think the chains are for us, and you may feel like death is the way. BUT STOP!  "We are all here!"

There are always people around you that are here for you, even if you can't see them. For those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please don't think you are alone! There are humans beings who care for you right now, and if you truly don't think that then please know that there are ARMIES of angels around you. You always have an angel around you and when you think you need more, ask God for more. It's as simple as "God I believe in you but I feel hopeless right now. I don't know which way to turn so I'm turning to you. Please help me with these negative and suicidal thoughts. I know you created me for a purpose, to live and not die. Please help me to see this purpose. Amen". Say whatever you need to say but don't make a permanent decision. I am here, God is here, professionals are here to help you. Contact whoever you need to but don't harm/kill yourself. You are worth more than diamonds.

- Meghan

P.S. I found these photos on angelic_ones instagram, please follow them, their posts are awesome!

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