Monday, March 11, 2013

Ignore negativity

Negativity only follows people that are going places

Have you ever wondered why sometimes it seems that so many people are against what you're trying to do? Or it seems like no on wants to help you accomplish your goals. That's because you have so much to offer the world that it literally intimidates others when they see your drive, and your potential together.It scares them because it forces them to step up their game and get more out of life. So instead of being inspired many would rather get angry or jealous and try to tear you down or discourage you. They know that if they can tear you down then they get to rest in mediocrity for the rest of their days.Well guess what? You can't dim your light just because it's getting too bright for those around you. Give them some sunglasses if you need to, but keep on shining. Let the negativity fuel you because it's a sign that where you're going is somewhere worth going. Don't let their rudeness towards you make you bitter and angry like they are. Instead let it motivate you and push you harder. Step it up and do even more!!If they're going to watch you and hate then you might as well give them something good to talk about!!-Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

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