Monday, June 20, 2011

A little bit of clarity

I have been reading Iyanla Vanzandt's book Tapping the Power Within (AWESOME book btw)

and I was reading a chapter about PRAYER. I found MYSELF ASKING: HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN GOD IS TALKING TO YOU?

Well he talks to you all day through many different avenues, maybe its a song, maybe its a conscious feeling, maybe its a little nudge in your spirit, maybe its a feeling, or maybe its in his word.

GOD told me today that I need to begin applying all stories of the bible to my life and what they mean to me personally. I love this because everyone interprets the bible in their own way because the Holy Spirit has individual lessons for all of us to hone in on. I know mine are Faith, Love, peace and kindness which is great because that is pretty much all the BIBLE :)

ANYWAYS today I read 1st Kings 22...
To sum it up for you quickly. There are two kings Ahab (bad) and Jehoshaphat( lets call him jeho for short). Ahab wants to go to war so he calls in 400, yes 400, prophets who do not serve the Lord, they serve a false god with Ahab. These prophets tell Ahab and Jehoshaphat, that if they go to war, GOD is promising they will win.
Sooo Jeho is like "Uhhh are there any other prophets here who serve the Lord" & Ahab says "Yeah but this guy always gives me bad news and I don't like him but we can call him anyways". Sooo THEY call Micaiah in(REAL PROPHET), AND at first he gets sarcastic with Ahab but then he is like, "You are gonna lose and you are gonna die for sure. Your men will be scattered and I had a vision of God and his armies and a spirit has tricked these other prophets into lying against GOD by telling you, that you are gonna win."

So Ahab was like "Heyyyyyyyy, see I told you this guy always gives bad news, I'm not gonna die! I'm gonna put you in jail for saying that and you can come out when I get back from war." To avoid dying Ahab disguises himself as a soldier and makes Jeho dress as King Ahab. The opposite army begins to chase Jeho thinking that he is Ahab and some rogue soldier shoots into the Israelite army and his arrows lands in between the chinks in Ahabs armor and he dies. AS PROMISED....


OK so GOD revealed to me that I need to stop relying on other peoples opinion. Here there were 400 prophets saying one thing and one guy that you don't even like saying another. In life situations can look crazy and not be exactly how you think it should be but GOD ALWAYS RULES! He has the final decision, you can choose to consult him or you can put your trust in other people.

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