Tuesday, August 19, 2014


My personal Ferguson rant:

I am REALLLLLLY tired of people grouping and labeling others its so annoying. Everyone knows by now that I don't like to be addressed first and foremost as a "black woman". ((I'm not opposed to the term black but I am opposed to firstly describing people by their skinshade)) Yes I am black but I hate that it is the first label applied to me. If you are going to label me how about friend, teacher, woman, christian etc. those can come first.

I have a name, its Meghan. The amount of melanin in my skin happens to produce a chocolate shade, yours may be cream colored, peach, deep brown, olive, WHATEVER. We are all literally the same, aside from the amount of melanin we produce. With that being said, I am not naive enough to know that groups of people do share cultural similarities and that racism is still very much alive all over the world and certainly here in the states but DANG can we stop the division!!! Celebrate people! No one should be treating anyone any different because of their skin. How difficult is this concept? It is something I have had to deal with my entire life, listening to ignorant commentary, ignorant questions, a "harmless joke" here and there...I have zero tolerance for it now and I am QUICK to check folks regarding this topic. l will not allow you to make me feel ANY different from you because of skin.

I have not commented on Ferguson because I always like to wait until more things come to the light but I will say that these topics always show me people's TRUE COLORS and that goes for everyone... Seeing comments and statuses that say "The blacks" or the "the whites" or even "the cops all" is so ignorant. If you honestly believe that an entire "group" of people believes or behaves a certain way shame on you. I want to live in a world that is label free and stereotype free, Facebook included... #‎endrant