Every year I start reading my bible over again and Genesis is my favorite book of the bible for some many reasons, but I like to give chapter breakdowns of my thoughts on each chapter as I read it.
In Genesis chapter 1: There is creation. God created EVERYTHING out of nothing, both the heavens and the earth.
Genesis chapter 2: Man and Woman- God gave the commandment to the man 1st before woman was created. Then God says it is not good for man to be alone so he creates all of the animals and lets Adam name them. No suitable companion was found for him there so the Lord caused him to go into a deep sleep Then he took a part of his side and closed the side up with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the part of the side. **Woman is the only being not being crafted from dirt. We are created from creation, that's kind of beautiful. Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh** "