So lately I've been doing this thing where 2-3x a week I read my bible for a longer period of time and sit with God about whatever I read. It tends to take me about 1-2 hrs to accomplish. Now, I do read daily and I usually get some small piece of knowledge/wisdom to take with me but I have been asking God for more. I want more, I want more knowledge, I want more revelation, I just want more of God. Anyways, he is taking me through the bible in this manner and it has been AWESOME to say the least.
So I'm in numbers right now and the Israelites are in the thick of the wilderness process and they have been traveling for some months coming out of Egypt. As expected they have grown restless, tired and hungry, so they cry out to God. He hears them and provides them manna. Now.... I ALREADY see a problem... I would be like "God, I cant eat this everyday!" And that's exactly what happened, they began to think of the food they ate while they were in slavery, and they began complaining. I can understand it though. Though it's not the best attitude to have, but who wants to eat manna flakes day in and day out for God knows how long? So they cry out again and God's not too happy with them this time so he says, "Okay, Ill give you meat and manna. I'll give you so much meat that you will get sick of it and won't want anymore" (My paraphase) And that's what he does, he sends quail. They get sick... and the cycle continues. They complain and complain, but their complaints seem legitimate to me, well maybe not legitimate but they don't seem terribly unreasonable, for the FLESH.
See our flesh is easily swayed, but we know that though. So I asked God this question... "If you delivered them from slavery, why was the wilderness so sucky too? Why did you make them cry out to you for food, why didn't you just provide that asap? Why did you make them do that?" The answer I got form God was so profound....
He said, "If I made it even slightly comfortable for them or better than slavery they would have been content. They would have stayed right there in the wilderness. The point is that there was a promised land that they needed to get to. They had to keep going, eventually they will get to Glory but in the meantime they can't be comfortable enough to stop..."